
Powered Cache Premium 3.5

July 16, 2024


  • [Added] Cache purge feature for Image Optimizer.
  • Dependency updates.
  • Tested with WP 6.6

Powered Cache 3.5

July 16, 2024


  • [Added] Image Optimizer purge feature.
  • Dependency updates.
  • Tested with WP 6.6

Powered Cache 3.4.5

May 14, 2024


  • [Improved] HTML minification without dom optimization.
  • [Fixed] Resolved PHP warnings caused by accessing superglobals.
  • Dependency updates.

Powered Cache 3.4.4

April 29, 2024


  • [Fixed] Resolved an issue with comment cache not purging correctly.
  • [Added] Support for purging paginated comments.

Powered Cache Premium 3.4.1

April 22, 2024


  • Add Powered Cache as a plugin dependency.
  • Tested with WP 6.5.2
  • Dependency updates.

Powered Cache 3.4.3

April 22, 2024


  • [Fixed] Cloudflare cache purge issue.
  • [Updated] Background job processing.
  • Dependency updates.

Powered Cache 3.4.2

February 20, 2024


  • [Added] Term cache clearing upon term changes.
  • [Added] Compatibility with ShortPixel Adaptive Images when delay JS is enabled.
  • [Added] Date archive cache clearing upon post updates.
  • [Improved] Term archive purging upon post updates.

Powered Cache 3.4.1

February 13, 2024


  • [Fix] YouTube video positioning when iframe is replaced with thumbnail.

Powered Cache 3.4

February 07, 2024


  • [Added] Lazyload – Replace YouTube videos with thumbnails.
  • [Added] Introduced an option to exclude specific images and iframes from being lazy-loaded.
  • [Added] Add warning message for memcached-based object cache backends if alloptions size is too large.
  • [Added] Preloader request interval setting to control the preloader request rate.
  • [Added] Preloader feedback message to understand the preloader status.
  • [Added] Preloader cache footprint to understand a page generated by the preloader.
  • [Added] A secondary button for cache clearance upon settings update. Props @emreerkan
  • [Added] New option to control delay js timeout.
  • [Improvement] Performance improvements for Delayed JS execution, introducing a more sophisticated dependency resolution mechanism to prevent possible JS errors.
  • [Improvement] Page cache purging strategy.
  • [Improvement] Preloader performance improvement and avoid unnecessary requests.
  • [Security] Cloudflare extension security improvements. (Encrypted API Key/Token)
  • [Security] Added verification of Cloudflare IP to accurately update `REMOTE_ADDR` when behind Cloudflare proxy.
  • [Fix] CDN dropdrop width.
  • [Fix] Lazyload compatibility fix with core image blocks lightbox feature.
  • [Fix] Do not delay interactivity and image block scripts.
  • Dependency updates.

Powered Cache Premium 3.4

February 07, 2024


  • [Updated] Required Powered Cache version updated to 3.4
  • [Updated] CLI commands to align with Powered Cache 3.4 changes.
  • [Fix] LinkFetcher: Don’t prefetch links start with !
  • Dependency updates.

Powered Cache 3.3.3

January 02, 2024


  • [Fix] Typos. Props @szepeviktor.
  • [Added] WebP option as preferred image format.
  • [Added] Windows specific warning for File Optimizer rewrite.

Powered Cache Premium 3.3.2

January 02, 2024


  • [Added] WebP option as preferred image format.

Powered Cache Premium 3.3.1

December 18, 2023


  • [Fix] Skip image optimizer on block editor.
  • [Added] Privacy policy content.
  • Small tweaks & package updates.

Powered Cache 3.3.2

December 03, 2023


  • [Fix] Improved comment cookie handling to prevent serving cached pages to users with a comment cookie. Props @jumbo.
  • [Fix] Ensured empty lines in wp-config.php are not removed upon WP_CACHE definition. Props @jumbo.
  • [Fix] CDN integration now skipped for Block Editor requests. Props @jumbo.
  • [Improvement] Added support for custom wp-content structure in File Optimizer.
  • [Improvement] Added File Optimizer rewrite rules for Nginx.
  • [Misc] Dependency updates.

Powered Cache 3.3.1

November 01, 2023


  • [Fix] Save file optimizer rewrite setting.

Powered Cache Premium 3.3

November 01, 2023


  • [Fix] Don’t enable link prefetch for logged-in users.
  • Dependency updates.
  • Tested with WP 6.4

Powered Cache 3.3

November 01, 2023


  • [Fix] Fix partially supported deprecated callable for PHP 8.2
  • [Added] Add WPS Hide Login compat.
  • [Added] Rewrite support for File Optimizer.
  • [Added] DOM Optimization option for HTML Minification.
  • Dependency updates.
  • Tested with WP 6.4

Powered Cache Premium 3.2.1

September 05, 2023


  • [Fix] Dynamic property deprecations for PHP 8.2
  • [Fix] UCSS skips exclusions for CSS combine
  • [Added] Image Optimizer now processes images in output buffer.
  • [Added] Don’t show Critical CSS and UCSS processing messages when the license is not valid.

Powered Cache 3.2.1

September 05, 2023


  • [Fix] Dynamic property deprecations for PHP 8.2
  • [Fix] Deprecated variable format for PHP 8.2
  • [Added] Pass $css_url with powered_cache_fo_css_do_concat filter.

Powered Cache Premium 3.2

August 31, 2023


  • [Added] New feature to automatically add missing image dimensions.
  • [Added] Added a link prefetching option to improve user experience.
  • [Added] WooCommerce compatibility.
  • [Added] New admin notice to display feedback messages during async tasks
  • [Updated] Required Powered Cache version updated to 3.2

Powered Cache 3.2

August 31, 2023


  • [Refactored] Improved JS optimization and execution options for better performance.
  • [Updated] Enhanced Delay JS feature and removed the default timeout.
  • [Added] Introduced post-level controls for delay and defer JS options.
  • [Added] New feature to automatically add missing image dimensions.
  • [Added] Added a link prefetching option to improve user experience.
  • [Added] Compatibility with Bricks Builder introduced.
  • [Added] New global admin notice to prompt cache purging upon plugin activation or deactivation.
  • [Fix] File optimizer no longer runs in Customizer preview; now compatible with Colibri Page Builder.
  • [Fix] Ensure conditional tags on the page for page cache drop-in.
  • [Fix] Disabled DOM parser optimization for HTML minification.
  • [Fix] Resolved a glitch in the Diagnostic modal.
  • [Fix] Fixed DOM violations on the Settings page.

Powered Cache 3.1.1

August 1, 2023


  • Added some clarifications about AVIF support

Powered Cache Premium 3.1

August 1, 2023


  • Added AVIF and BMP support for Image Optimizer
  • Tested with WP 6.3.

Powered Cache 3.1

July 20, 2023


  • Moved the image optimizer from beta to the stable release. Learn More
  • New Feature: Introduced the ability to bypass the first nth images with lazy load.
  • General enhancements made to the Lazy Load feature.
  • Resolved: Deprecated jQuery functions.
  • Updated: Minify package.
  • Updated: Background processing package.
  • Tested with WP 6.3.

Powered Cache Premium 3.0.1

June 09, 2023


  • Remove Unused CSS Improvements
  • Critical CSS Improvements
  • Image Optimizer Improvements

Powered Cache 3.0.5

May 30, 2023


  • Fix: PhastPress cache purge callback
  • Fix: Memcached drop-in set_multiple warning
  • ensure html tag exists before running HTML minifier

Powered Cache 3.0.4

May 25, 2023


  • DelayedJS bugfix
  • Added new compatibility with PhastPress

Powered Cache 3.0.3

May 22, 2023


  • Fix: Html Minification bugfix

Powered Cache 3.0.2

May 21, 2023


  • Fix: Html Minification error below PHP 8.1
  • Added: x-cache-enabled and age headers
  • Added: sorting for cache query strings
  • nginx configuration tweaking

Powered Cache 3.0.1

May 16, 2023


  • Fix: Malformed robots.txt due to FileOptimizer
  • Fix: Don’t execute lazyload script as delayed.
  • Adding clarity to the JS execution field.

Powered Cache 3.0

May 15, 2023


  • Added: Bunny Fonts as replacement of Google Fonts
  • Added: global nopoweredcache parameter to skip optimizations
  • Added: Cache query strings to generate seperate cache based on query and value
  • Added: WooCommerce compat for geolocation with page cache support.
  • Added: Delayed JS execution.
  • Added: Remove Unused CSS feature.
  • Added: New HTML minification library.
  • Updated: Background processing library.
  • Bump required PHP version to 7.2
  • Object cache drop-in updates: supporting *multiple and wp_cache_supports
  • Refactored: Accepted query strings renamed as ignored query strings.
  • Various small improvements and fixes.

Powered Cache Premium 3.0

May 15, 2023


  • Added: Remove Unused CSS feature.
  • Added: mask license key on the settings page.
  • Fixed: some deprecations.
  • Updated minimum PHP requirement to 7.2
  • Critical CSS Improvements.
  • Don’t show the page with Critical or UCSS for logged-in users by default.
  • CLI command updates.
  • Small tweaks & package updates.

Powered Cache 2.5.4

March 23, 2023


  • Hotfix: HTML minification quotes issue.

Powered Cache 2.5.3

March 23, 2023


  • Added: Purge site cache on multisite when the site is updated. (eg: archived etc…)
  • Improvements: HTML minification.
  • Improvements: Set file optimizer default cache header.
  • Fix: Close the icon on the diagnostic modal
  • Fix: Blank space on CDN hostname(s)
  • Fix: WP Ultimo compatibility. (checking Mercator more strictly)
  • Tested with WP 6.2

Powered Cache Premium 2.4.1

January 26, 2023


  • PHP 8.1+ deprecation fixes.
  • Small tweaks & package updates.

Powered Cache 2.5.2

January 20, 2023


  • Fix: revert subdirectory deletion with delete_page_cache()
  • Fix: Delete related page cache on purging the current page cache.

Powered Cache 2.5.1

January 19, 2023


  • Fix a regression issue with the lazyload.

Powered Cache 2.5

January 19, 2023


  • Added: Beaver Builder Compatibility
  • Added: Elementor Compatibility
  • Added: Divi Compatibility
  • Added: Purge Current Page admin bar item for singular page
  • Refactor: .htaccess rule generation and Apache 2.4 improvements.
  • Fixes: PHP 8.1+ deprecation fixes.
  • Bump required WordPress version to 5.7.
  • Small tweaks & package updates.

Powered Cache 2.4.4

October 11, 2022


  • Fix: Cloudflare cache purge
  • Fix: Object cache removal on uninstalling the plugin
  • Small tweaks & package updates.

Powered Cache Premium 2.4

September 23, 2022


  • Licensing improvements.
  • Small tweaks & package updates.

Powered Cache 2.4.3

July 5, 2022


  • Compatibility fix for older versions of WPML.

Powered Cache 2.4.2

June 29, 2022


  • File optimizer bug fix.

Powered Cache 2.4.1

June 25, 2022


  • Fix “Try premium today” buttons

Powered Cache 2.4

June 16, 2022


  • Improvements on WPML compatibility: Purge/preload cache for a specific locale.
  • Added woocommerce-multilingual compat.
  • Small tweaks & package updates.

Powered Cache Premium 2.3

June 16, 2022


  • Preload command improvements: Supports --lang argument for preloading
  • Small tweaks & package updates.

Powered Cache 2.3

May 18, 2022


  • Improvements on file optimizer.
  • Improvements on CDN and file optimizer module bootstrapping.
  • Added WPML domain mapping compat.
  • Added bearer token support for Cloudflare extension.
  • Added async cache purging (experimental feature)

Powered Cache Premium 2.2.1

April 26, 2022

A new minor version of Powered Cache Premium has been released on April 26, 2022


  • Image Optimizer bug fix.
  • Critical CSS bug fix.

Powered Cache 2.2.1

April 26, 2022

A new minor version of Powered Cache has been released on April 26, 2022


  • Bug fix: File Optimizer CDN integration

Powered Cache Premium 2.2

April 25, 2022

A new major version of Powered Cache Premium has been released on April 25, 2022


  • New Feature: Image optimizer (On the fly Image Compression and WebP conversation)
  • Tested: WordPress 6.0
  • Bump minimum required Powered Cache 2.2
  • New compat: Jetpack.
  • Small tweaks and improvements.

Powered Cache 2.2

April 25, 2022

A new major version of Powered Cache has been released on April 25, 2022


  • Added: Image optimizer.
  • Added: Swap Google Fonts.
  • Added: Cache miss reason.
  • Added: Preconnect resource hint.
  • Improvements: CDN module (refactored).
  • Improvements: Lazy Load (modernized).
  • Fix: Windows compatibility issues.
  • Fix: Transients clean-up from DB when object cache in place.
  • New filter: powered_cache_fo_disable to control file optimizer.
  • New filter: powered_cache_is_local_site.
  • New filter: powered_cache_cdn_extensions.
  • New filter: powered_cache_preconnect_resource.
  • New compat: Cornerstone builder.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.0

Powered Cache 2.1.2

March 28, 2022

A new version of Powered Cache has been released on March 28, 2022


  • Fix: Lazy Load issue. (there was a problem with compiled JS output)

Powered Cache 2.1.1

March 15, 2022

A new version of Powered Cache has been released on March 15, 2022


  • Added a new compat: Cookies and Content Security Policy plugin.
  • Change post-specific cache-control capability. (edit_posts to edit_others_posts)
  • Fixed: Make sure cdn_hostname and cdn_zone have index 0 for placeholder.
  • Fixed: normalize vary cookie value.

Powered Cache 2.1

March 14, 2022

A new major version of Powered Cache has been released on March 14, 2022


  • Tested with WP 5.9
  • Added: Critical CSS Settings.
  • Added: Post-specific file optimization options.
  • Added: Jetpack boost compatibility
  • Improvements: Settings page UI on mobile.
  • Improvements: CDN Integration.
  • Improvements: Cache Preloading.
  • Fixed: Google fonts combine.
  • Fixed: CSS minification should work when the group contains a single file.
  • Fixed: CDN integration warnings.
  • Added: Automatic CORS configuration for .htaccess and nginx.
  • Bumped minimum WP requirement to 5.1

Powered Cache Premium 2.1

March 14, 2022

A new major version of Powered Cache Premium has been released on March 14, 2022


  • New Feature: Critical CSS
  • Fix missing string for localization
  • CLI improvements
  • Bump minimum required WP version to 5.1 and Powered Cache 2.1
  • Multisite improvements
  • Native sitemap support for sitemap preloading.
  • Small tweaks and improvements.

Powered Cache 2.0.4

February 2, 2022

  • Tested with WP 5.9
  • UI Update (Shared-UI updated)
  • Fix a potential notice about the user agent

Full changes…2.0.4

Powered Cache 2.0.3

October 28, 2021

Powered Cache 2.0.3 has been released! In this release, a minor bug was fixed, which is related to the meta box registration.


  • Small UI updates (Shared-UI updated)
  • Fix: metabox registration on the screens other than post

Full changes…2.0.3

Powered Cache 2.0.2

September 1, 2021

Powered Cache 2.0.2 has been released! This is a hotfix release that addresses one particular problem with the block editor.


  • Hotfix: don’t break block editor on reusable blocks

Powered Cache 2.0.1

September 1, 2021

Powered Cache 2.0.1 has been released! This version includes several bug fixes and localization improvements


  • Fix: Smart cache purge on post update.
  • Localization improvements. Set script localization.
  • Improved WPML compatibility.
  • .htaccess execution rule for file optimizer.
  • Added Turkish translations

Powered Cache Premium 2.0.1

August 29, 2021

Powered Cache Premium version 2.0.1 has been released! This version fixes a bug caused by the Facebook and Google Tracking extensions on the REST API routes.


  • Fix output buffering on Rest API routes for FB & Google Tracking extensions.

Powered Cache Premium 2.0

August 26, 2021

Powered Cache Premium version 2.0 has been released! Since this is a major upgrade, please read the upgrade documentation before performing the update. We are not rolling the auto-update package for 1.x to 2.x, due to some manual process required for the premium version.

Requirement Changes:

  • It requires WordPress 5.0 and PHP 5.6 as the bare minimum.
  • It requires Powered Cache free version as a dependency.


  • Revamped UI.
  • Depends on Powered Cache free plugin as a requirement.
  • Removed: Preloader extension (consolidated into Preload feature)
  • Removed: Minifier extension (consolidated into File Optimization)
  • Removed: Lazy-load extension (consolidated into Media Optimization)
  • Removed: Remote cron extension.
  • Updated: Varnish extension.
  • Added: Google Tracking extension.
  • Added: Facebook Tracking extension.
  • Updated: Sitemap Preloading.
  • New feature: Scheduled Database cleanup.
  • The license manager and auto-updater have been changed.

In order to get the benefits of these new features, highly recommended to update it ASAP.

Powered Cache 2.0

August 26, 2021

Powered Cache version 2.0 has been released! The entire plugin has been refactored in this version.

Requirement Changes:

It requires WordPress 5.0 and PHP 5.6 as the bare minimum.


  • The vast majority of the codebase has been refactored.
  • Revamped UI.
  • Increased compatibility with 3rd party plugins.
  • Increased multisite and domain mapping compatibility.
  • New Feature: Control caching and lazy load status through the editor.
  • New Feature: Page cache can create a separate cache based on the varied cookie matches.
  • Redis drop-in updated.
  • APCu drop-in updated. (switched to another drop-in)
  • Memcache drop-in updated. (Requires PHP 5.6.20 at minimum)
  • Improved: Accepted query strings recognition.
  • Improved: Deletion of expired cache.
  • New Feature: File Optimization minify/combine CSS, JS, Google Fonts easily.
  • New Feature: Media Optimization Control lazyload, WordPress embeds, and emoji scripts.
  • New Feature: Database Optimization clears out all of the unnecessary data.
  • Removed: Remove query string feature, no longer necessary.
  • Removed: SSL Cache option. It will automatically configure the caching for both HTTP/HTTPS.
  • Removed: Preloader extension. (consolidated into Preload feature)
  • Removed: Minifier extension. (consolidated into File Optimization)
  • Removed: Lazy-load extension. (consolidated into Media Optimization)
  • Updated: Cloudflare Extension. Enter Zone ID without listing all domains.
  • New Feature: Heartbeat Extension. Manage the frequency of the WordPress Heartbeat API.
  • Updated: File export/import format. (now it uses JSON)
  • Tested with WordPress 5.8 and Multisite.
  • Several bug fixes and improvements.

In order to get the benefits of these new features, highly recommended to update it ASAP.

Powered Cache Premium 1.2.9

August 25, 2021

Powered Cache Premium version 1.2.9 has been released! This is the final version of the 1.x and required to upgrade 1.2.9 before upgrading the website 2.x versions.


  • Uninstaller: don’t delete settings during the uninstallation. Due to migration necessary with the 2.x versions.
  • Tested with WP 5.8

Farewell 1.x versions 👋🏼 to the onward… 🚀

Powered Cache & Premium 1.2.8

May 2, 2020

  • fix: XSS issue in memcache & memcached backend
  • fix: Cloudflare API bug

Powered Cache & Premium 1.2.7

March 15, 2020

  • fix: HTTP_HOST check
  • minor UI tweaks
  • tested with WP 5.4

Powered Cache & Premium 1.2.6

August 21, 2019

  • fix: missing curly brackets for Nginx config
  • Handle RedisException property to prevent WSOD with wrong credentials. Props @adiloztaser
  • CF extension: fetch up to 1000 zones
  • Minifier extension: ignore specific inline scripts to concatenation**

** Powered Cache Premium only.

Powered Cache & Premium 1.2.5

April 28, 2019

  • Fixes edge cases caused by requesting URLs with multiple trailingslashes (usually REST API endpoints) to save caching file to the wrong path. This problem has been fixed now. (The version normalizes request_uri for generating correct file)
  • Powered Cache is now available under the network administration menu too
  • Performance improvements on flushing page cache
  • Check the license key on the network administration on multisite**

** Powered Cache Premium only.

Powered Cache & Premium 1.2.4

February 21, 2019

  • WordPress’ famous race condition bug fixed #47
  • .htaccess now respects `X-Forwarded-Proto` #46
  • CDN support added for `wp_get_attachment_image_src`
  • Remote Cron add-on EOF character fix**

** Powered Cache Premium only.

Powered Cache & Premium 1.2.3

November 22, 2018

  • browser caching improved for fonts #44
  • documents migrated to GitHub. So inline ref. links have been updated. #45
  • prevent mixed content when there’s an http request but the site uses https
  • required WordPress version bumped to 4.5, because of `wp_get_raw_referer`

Powered Cache & Premium 1.2.2

June 10, 2018

  • Fix: use `substr` instead `mb_substr` to avoid a fatal error in the environment which is not supported multibyte string

Thanks, @johndarrel for reporting this issue.

Powered Cache & Premium 1.2.1

May 24, 2018

The premium version comes with two changes;

  • test TLD is now considered a localhost
  • You have to check the privacy policy when opening support requests through the plugin. (GDPR friendly)

There are no technical changes to the free version. We just bumped version for the consistency.

Please, review our updated Privacy Policy. Our commitment to your privacy hasn’t changed. We remain dedicated to protecting you, your data, and your experience.


Powered Cache & Premium 1.2

December 29, 2017

New features:

  • Fragment caching #18
  • Default salt key for object cache #23
  • APCu support #27
  • .htaccess control #37
  • Diagnostic subsection #41


  • Content type fix #33
  • don’t cache password protected posts fix #43
  • wrong admin notice fix #5
  • CDN srcset problem on widgets #42
  • trailingslash check #32

Under the Hood:

  • Multisite capability control improved
  • CDN integration improvements

You can see the full changes on GitHub –…1.2

Powered Cache & Premium 1.1.2

September 17, 2017

  • fix: encoding problem on apache #31
  • fix: pass robots.txt requests to PHP #28  (props @karalamalar )
  • fix: PHP7+ support for memcached redux #25
  • fix: page cache undefined function during update #24
  • fix: new line characters on parsing configuration

Powered Cache & Premium 1.1.1

July 2, 2017

  • New filter added for disable auto-update `.htaccess` file
  • RewriteBase base fixed. Thanks, @baga for reporting this problem.
  • .htaccess gzip rule fixed. Thanks, @sadriercan for the bug report.

Powered Cache Premium 1.1

May 25, 2017

  • Human readable format for interval fields
  • Predefined .htaccess & nginx configuration files
  • Additional page purging added
  • Better garbage collecting
  • Purge all cache with single click
  • Minifier extension: cache clean-up added
  • Minifier extension: ArrayAccess bug fix
  • Minifier extension: Skip inline concatenation by adding data-minify=”false”
  • Multisite improvements
  • New constants added
  • Bug fixes

Powered Cache 1.1

May 25, 2017

  • Human readable format for interval fields
  • Predefined .htaccess & nginx configuration files
  • Additional page purging added
  • Better garbage collecting
  • Purge all cache with single click
  • Multisite improvements
  • New constants added
  • Bug fixes

Powered Cache Premium 1.0.2

April 24, 2017

  • X-Powered-Cache header added when serving cache via PHP.
  • Minifier extension: concatenation fix on external resources

Powered Cache Premium 1.0.1

April 16, 2017

  • gzip encoding buffer fix
  • rejected_uri (Never cache the following pages) regex fix
  • notice fix: (due to enabling page cache)
  • automatic updater bug fix

Powered Cache 1.0.1

April 15, 2017

  • gzip encoding buffer fix
  • rejected_uri (Never cache the following pages) regex fix
  • notice fix: (due to enabling page cache)

Powered Cache Premium 1.0

April 9, 2017

  • Initial release ⚡️

Powered Cache 1.0

April 8, 2017

  • Initial release ⚡️