We just updated our support policy. From now on, we guarantee you will get highest priority support due to white screen of death error. It doesn’t matter paid user or free.
What is the white screen of death?
The white screen of death is a critical error that your website looks like empty, just like windows’ blue screen of death.
There are many reasons that can cause a white screen of death, installing or updating plugin/theme, or migrating WordPress to new host, database related problems etc…
Why caching plugins cause this error?
Caching plugins are a little bit different than regular WordPress plugins. They can make a lot of file operations. For example; modifies your .htaccess, wp-config.php, generates advanced-cache.php, object-cache.php files and those files are critical for the WordPress.
Normally, Powered Cache users never get this error, but bad things happens. So we decided to guarantee your website’s safety, you will get highest priority support this kind of station.
People are afraid of trying new things, including WordPress plugins. Please don’t afraid of trying Powered Cache. It is the best caching plugin you’re ever going to meet 🙂
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